Home Study

Listed below you will find the eCourses that are currently offered at the Pathfinder School. All courses were designed and written by Dave Canterbury using the Pathfinder System. Grading is done by Pathfinder Instructor, Jeremy Janey.

No entry level is required for our Virtual Class and the Phase 1 eCourse. Phase 2 obviously follows 1 and to get certification for this class you will need to finish the hands on Intermediate and Advanced Class.

* Times & Pack List for Classes *

- Required equipment-lists are included in the course material;
- Classes can be completed in your own time;
- Classes included 'hands on' excercises and deliverables;

- Each class needs to be ordered individually.

Virtual Classroom

The VC is an opportunity to either jump start the learning process or give additional research for the Phase 1 E-Course. It is a membership area of our site and offers many videos not available on Youtube as well as many downloadable PDF files to help with your research.

New Videos are added as we have available time to film them and addition files are added as well. There are many practice exercises and deliverables there as well to help those who just wish to participate in informal training but are not interested in a Certification for later use.

* Package Includes *

- A Life time Subscription
- Exclusive Videos & PDF Research
- Downloadable PDF Excercises & Deliverables

- Cost for this subscription: $ 65,- Subscribe Now

Phase 1

This is the meat and potatoes of the Pathfinder System, it contains the 10 Blocks of Pathfinder Training with 3 exercises and deliverables per block, which can be sent in for evaluation to the Pathfinder School for final certification. There are no hands on classes required to complete this phase so it can be done from anywhere in the world and tailors itself to your environment.

To become a Pathfinder Youth Leader this course certification is a requirement.

* Package Includes *

- 3 Instruction DVD's;
- 1 CD-Rom, containing all course files in PDF Format;
- 1 Rite-in-the-Rain Journal;

- Cost for this course: $70,- Order Now

Phase 2

Phase 2 continues your education and practical exercise forcing you to spend more actual dirt time as well as research time to increase you Self Reliance Skills. This course requires the Pathfinder Advance Hands on Training Class for certification.

To become a Pathfinder Youth Leader this course certification is a requirement.

* Package Includes *

- 1 instructional DVD;
- 1 CD-Rom, containing all course files in PDF Format;
- 1 Rite-in-the-Rain Journal;

- Cost for this course: $70,- Order Now