Custom Pathfinder Products

Product development at 'the Pathfinderschool' is a shared effort by both Dave and his father Jim. Jim leads the Pathfinder Store in product development; from the design, to concept, to the completed product, and the merchandising. Obviously working together with Dave. Dave offers ingenuity and years of outdoor experience, as well as high quality standards. Generally Dave is the one testing out prototypes in the field, to make sure they live up to his and thus Pathfinder Outdoor standards.

On this page you will find various review/testing videos of the various Custom Pathfinder Products, some of which are still available in our store. Others may well have been replaced by new designs or better products on the market. Obviously no product makes it into the pathfinder store unless it is severely tested first. Check out our review page to see various of our non-Pathfinder products put to the test, or to watch what others are saying about our gear.

Latest Development

The NEW Cooking Kit

The old Waterbottle and Cup

The 10 piece Kit

The Emergency Shelter Kit

The Pathfinder Trade Knife

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