Dave Canterbury

Founder, Co-Owner

Dave Canterbury is an expert survivalist, having over 20 years of combined bush crafting, outdoor self reliance and primitive skills experience. As a hunting guide, Dave started thinking about what a person should have with them and what they should do in case they became lost or stranded. He sifted through the information, put in the dirt time testing the skills and equipment, and came up with The Pathfinder System, which is used to train the beginner to experienced outdoorsman, bush crafter, or adventurer in outdoor self reliance, primitive, and survival skills. He founded The Pathfinder School because of his dedication to passing on the "tribal knowledge" of outdoor self reliance and primitive skills to anyone and everyone who wants to learn. Dave firmly believes we can learn from each other and continues to be a student himself. Dave is also very excited that his family is involved in the business with him. As you look through the list of the staff you will see this a true family business.

Dave is also co-owner of Self Reliance Illustrated Magazine, and has posted over 500 YouTube videos on the Pathfinder School, LLC YouTube Channel. Dave has started the Survival Adventure Network on YouTube, a reality based programming of real people engaged in true survival scenarios.

Iris Canterbury

School Photographer

Iris Canterbury, Dave's beloved wife, is The Pathfinder School's photographer. Iris shoots all the photos of the classes of the Pathfinder School. She also assists in other various functions at Pathfinder Classes and Special Events.

Jeremy Janey

Lead Instructor

Since Jeremy was a boy he has been in the woods. Jeremy was in Boy Scouts and has hunted and been camping his whole life. He got into colonial reenactments to learn frontier skills and later on joined the US Army.

Within a year after leaving the army, Jeremy became a student of Dave's and worked his way up to being an instructor. He has been a full time instructor for Dave for two years now and serves as the Lead Instructor.

His related certifications include: Basic Survival Class, Basic Certification Class, Advanced Certification Class, Hudson's Bay Trapping Course, Survival Trapping Course, SAR Tech 2, Wilderness First-Aid, CPR, Level 2 Firefighter, and Phase 1, Phase 2, currently working on Phase 3.

Brian Manning


At an early age, attracted by the lure of the woods, Brian became an avid hunter and outdoorsman. This soon led to a curiosity for learning about primitive cultures and skills. The first self-taught skill he learned was the art of flint knapping which further led to the study and use of the Atlatl, precursor to the bow and arrow. He now competes in Atlatl events on a world level.

Further interest in primitive skills led to attending several schools and classes ranging from primitive fire to tracking to modern survival. Being a NYS Police Instructor, he wanted to expand his skill set as well as help others learn the skills needed to become more self-sufficient. This eventually led him to The Pathfinder School where he has now found a home as an instructor.

Brian has 23 years of experience as a law enforcement officer and continues his watch. He has successfully completed the Pathfinder Schools’ Phase 1 & 2, Basic Survival, and Advanced Survival Classes. He is certified in CPR and Wilderness First Aid and hales from the Northeast. Brian is currently working on the school’s Phase 3 to become a Master Instructor.

Brandon Elkins


Brandon began his love for the woods at an early age, growing up near the Smoky Mountains of Eastern Tennessee. Brandon became an Eagle Scout at age 17, with his father as a devoted scout master and mentor.

He currently serves as a Detective Captain for the Sheriff's Office in his home town, where he recently founded the Sheriff's Search and Rescue Team. He also serves as the District Chairman for the Cumberland District in the Boy Scouts and is an Advisor for the Sheriff's Explorer program. At events, Brandon serves as the Pathfinder School's Chief of Security.

His related certifications include: Pathfinder Advanced, Pathfinder Phase 1, Pathfinder Phase 2, SARTECH level 2, Extra Class Amateur Radio Operator, and Wilderness First Aid. Brandon holds an Associates of Applied Science in Law Enforcement Degree from Walters State College and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Cumberland College in Williamsburg, KY. His current goals include Pathfinder Phase 3 and becoming a Pathfinder Master Instructor.

Tony Daniel


Tony is an instructor of Pathfinder Classes and serves as the Secretary of the National Pathfinder Youth Organization. More bio to come...

Jamie L. Burleigh


Jamie started teaching Paleolithic and primitive skills at gatherings and local events since 1992. Since then he has written for numerous outdoor magazines and periodicals about everything from flint knapping to survival skills. To date his book on how to build a primitive bow is in its third printing. Jamie has also designed a wilderness survival class that he teaches to the Boy Scout Troops in Michigan, Indiana, and also Ohio. At an early age he sought out and researched a wide variety of indigenous lifestyle skills and to his findings he also mixed in some back woods wisdom and common sense to achieve some very down to earth understandings about the wild.

In 2012, he developed an outdoor program for middle school students in the St. Clair Colorado school district, a first of its kind. Jamie also teaches school students, volunteers, and home schooled students at his local nature center. Today he travels and teaches at a few key institutes and outdoor schools. Some of his focused workshops include, bow and arrow making, primitive and modern trapping, tracking, wilderness awareness, minimalistic camping techniques, paleo arts such as flint knapping, making and using the atlatl, wilderness survival, camp cooking, processing game and much more.

One of his latest goals includes becoming a permanent fixture at the Pathfinder School to pass on his knowledge and skills to anyone who will share a campfire with him.

Darrin Baird


Darrin grew up in the mountains of East Tennessee. He is an avid outdoorsman with several years experience in hunting, fishing, caving, climbing, hiking, camping, and bush crafting. Darrin has a Master's degree in Business Administration, a Post Baccalaureate Education degree and a Bachelor's in Business Administration. He has certifications in Wilderness First Aid, Search and Rescue Tech Level 2, CPR / AED, Rope Tech 1, Amateur Radio Tech License, and Horsemanship.

Darrin's Pathfinder School accomplishments include completion of Phase 1, Phase 2, and he is currently working to complete Phase 3. Pathfinder classes include Advanced Class - Eastern Woodlands Massachusetts, Primitive Skills Class, and 4 Gatherings. Darrin was featured in the Survival Adventure Network video - Shopping Spree.

Darrin has several professional organization memberships to include: a life member of the National Rifle Association, a member of the National Speleological Association, Tennessee Sheriff's Association and National Association for Search and Rescue. Darrin currently works as a High School Teacher and Deputy Sheriff in Eastern Tennessee.

Jim Kane


Jim was born and raised in New England spending most of his childhood in the woods where his love of nature came at an early age. He was a boy scout, a wrestler in high school and joined the U.S. Army right after school becoming a Forward Observer. Some training includes Airborne school, Combat Medic, and Jungle Training in Panama.

After returning home he continued camping, hiking, and exploring, often alone because his friends didn’t like his “no tent” style of camping. After the birth of his son his then wife asked him to take a basic survival class to insure he would come home after his solo trips. This lead to the road of bushcraft and primitive arts, which lead to being one of Dave’s students and a graduate of the Pathfinder School’s first Advance Class. Since that time his passion for nature, awareness, tracking, primitive skills and philosophy has taken him to study under many great elders such as master bow maker Bob Brooks, Arthur Haines of the Delta Institute, Mike Douglas of Maine Primitive Skills School and more. Still continuing his education he spends his free time at a primitive school community in Maine learning the ancestral ways of the Passamaquoddy Indian nation and their sister nation, the Maliseet.

Jim is a Pathfinder School Phase 1 & 2 graduate, a writer in Self Reliance Magazine, and has currant CPR & AED, Wilderness First-Aid, Urban First Responder certificates.

Derek Faria


Derek is another one of our New England Instructors and hails from Massachusetts. He comes from a long line of hunters, fishermen, trappers and farmers. His family had a very self sufficient lifestyle of living throughout his up-bringing and it’s no wonder Derek took full advantage of this. Eager to learn the old ways of living off the land, Derek began researching and studying the old ways through literature and videos. Upon finding The Pathfinder School his passion only became greater for more knowledge.

Derek is a phase 1 & 2 graduate of the Pathfinder System and coordinated the very first advanced class in New England. There Derek was announced as an instructor for the school yet maintains his student mindset just as well. He is currently working on his phase 3 certification to become a master instructor at the school. He is also the Pathfinder School’s NE Site Coordinator for courses.

Derek has a long list of certifications both through his military experience as well as his civilian life. These include; Infantry Squadleader, Cavalry Scout qualified, Air Assault, Combat Tracker certified, Combat Lifesaver certified, Squad designated marksman, P.A.D.I certified Rescue Diver, Wilderness First Aid and CPR certified, CNA certified, Writer in SRI and much more. Derek is a 17 year Army Veteran and is still continuing his military career. He is also a part time Police Officer in a small town near his home.